Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Apples! A look back...

I love teaching a unit on apples. I spend 2 weeks on apples!!!  You can really dig deep and use apple themed activities to cover all subjects!! We labeled an apple, made homemade applesauce,  graphed our favorite apple, and read plenty of books!!! We ended our unit with a huge Apple Day! The students could taste apple pie, dried apples, apple slices, apple juice, apple butter, and apple candy. We graphed our favorite apple snack and used our 5 senses to describe everything! The students loved it- and I did too!!!

If you are looking for a great apple unit, you can purchase mine here from Teachers Pay Teachers.

It's a 115 page unit that has:
* Apple Poems
* Apple Charts (apples, apple pie, Johnny Appleseed)
* Apple descriptive words
* Apple Pattern Book
* Apple Pattern worksheet
* Apple Vocabulary Cards
* Apple Connecting Cubes cards
* Apple Play-doh Mats
* Apple KWL
* Apple Investigation
* Parts of Apple and Apple Tree Diagram
* Apple Pie, Apple Sauce, and Sink or Float Graphs
* Favorite apple graph
* Ten Apples Up on Top Craft
* Apple Memory Game
* Apple Puzzle
* Applesauce and apple pie writing activity
* Apple Counting cards
* Apple Tens Frames
* Apples Clothespin Math Matching Game
* "Apples" Pennant Banner
What are some fun activities you do during apple week? I just love this time of year!!!!

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