Saturday, July 7, 2012

A little bit about classroom organization...

If you are anything like me, then your classroom is your second home (somedays I spend more time there than my home!) It's so important for me to make my second home super cute and fun for my students! I am currently recovering from ACL repair surgery (so not fun) and have been pretty much couch ridden this summer. It's been a bummer but I have had plenty of time to look up a TON of classroom teaching/ organization ideas. I have fell IN LOVE with these 2 teaching blogs:

Clutter-Free Classroom

I have been so encouraged to make next years classroom the best one ever!!!! I am so blessed to be at a FABULOUS school and I have a very nice size classroom!!! I have decided to turn my classroom into a "Sweet Shoppe" this year and I can't wait for everything to be pink and brown!!!!!
As you can see ....
I have a LONG way to go!!!!

What are some tips you have on organizing and decorating your second home?!



  1. I am doing a sort of sweet shop theme too this year! My last name is Banco, so I made a cute sign (copied from an Etsy idea :)) that says "Mrs. Banco's Bakery" to hang outside my door. I also found a cute idea for a bulletin board for beginning of the year. I am taking my kids pictures and putting chef hats on them and having them write the "recipe" for a great first grade school year. I bought some cheap wooden kitchen utensils to hot glue around the edge of the bulletin board and am cutting out some sweet treats like cupcakes and cookies for border too. Instead of student of the week, I am going to do the "Top Chef" of the week too.

  2. That sounds absolutely adorable! I've had trouble finding cute decorations so I am going to have to get REALLY creative! Thanks for visiting my blog- as you can see I'm new to this!!! I'll be sure to give your blog a visit as well!


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