Happy shopping! The countdown is on!!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Dollar Spot Goodies
One of my favorite places for back to school is Target! I LOVE their Dollar Spot! Although everything is not $1 like it used to be, there are still plenty of great deals and goodies!!!! They had a great section on puzzles, books, and games for teaching colors. They had a great Dr. Seuss section!!! Of course there were dry erase boards, magnetic boards, and cork boards!!! I picked up quite a few goodies for my classroom!

Sunday, July 28, 2013
Math Talk Moves...A 5 week long unit!
Thinking back about Math Talk, I can only plan on how I will implement it in my classroom with in the next few weeks! I have worked so hard for the past couple of weeks to develop a plan for introducing each talk move to my students! This unit gives a 5 week lesson plan on introducing and implementing each talk move during whole group instruction and in partner work. It also includes colorful Anchor Charts for each talk move, sentence stems for each talk move, and questioning cards for student reference. Hopefully this unit will help you use talk moves in your classroom as it has in mine!!! To purchase this unit from my TPT store, click on the picture or click here.
Here is a preview of some of the great resources in this unit!
Here is a look into math talk moves in my classroom! This was 4th quarter so my kinder-babies were able to practice talk moves independently!!!
I hope you enjoy it! It was such hard work but I think it will pay off in my classroom and hopefully yours!

Friday, July 26, 2013
Classroom Jobs- A cute way to display!
I love giving my students jobs in my classroom! It gives the students a chance to take ownership of our classroom!!! They learn to clean up after themselves, keep the room tidy, and how to have responsibilities. My classroom jobs are hanging on a ribbon- I love using ribbons in my classroom!!! I clip the students names to the jobs with a clothespin. It's a great and easy way to change out jobs weekly and sometimes daily!
I made these cute job cards for my classroom and decided to make some to share in my TPT store! I made them in red, green, blue, yellow, and pink chevron with the cutest kids graphics!!! They can be purchased in my TPT store by clicking on the picture or clicking here. ($3)

Thursday, July 25, 2013
Color Words {Freebie}
One of the most basic beginning reading and math skills is color word recognition. Kids love to know their colors and it's so exciting when they can start to read and write them!!! I have my color words on display in my classroom in 3 different places- Reading word wall, math word wall, and then an adorable color word display! On my TPT store, I have an adorable color word packet with matching polka dot border...and it's FREE! They are perfect to use on a word wall or as a display!!! Just print, laminate and display! They would also be great in a sorting center with various objects! You can download these adorable color words by clicking on the picture or visiting my TPT store by clicking here.

Monday, July 22, 2013
Adding a POP of color!
As a kindergarten teacher, I LOVE to use color in my classroom!!! Last year, I used the Dots on Chocolate big dots for my table numbers. I had them hanging from my ceiling with a cute ribbon. I thought they were the cutest things ever!!!
So... I have been working hard in my classroom this summer- I can't seem to stay away!!! I found these cute fans that I thought would be so cute hanging in my room!!!! I grabbed 5 of them (one in every color)!!! It's crazy how such a small change can add such a beautiful POP of color in my classroom!!! I found the fans at Party City and they had every color under the sun (but orange...I couldn't find an orange one!)
So... I have been working hard in my classroom this summer- I can't seem to stay away!!! I found these cute fans that I thought would be so cute hanging in my room!!!! I grabbed 5 of them (one in every color)!!! It's crazy how such a small change can add such a beautiful POP of color in my classroom!!! I found the fans at Party City and they had every color under the sun (but orange...I couldn't find an orange one!)
What are some things you do in your classroom to add a POP of color?

Thursday, July 11, 2013
Transformation Thursday....Kind of!
I cannot think of a better "Transformation Thursday" post other than my classroom!!! I went up to my school yesterday to "work" in my classroom. 6 hours later and 4 room arrangements later, I left. It's always so exciting but oh so overwhelming every summer to return to a room that is in complete disarray! Our floors were waxed right after school let out so you spend the first half of your "word" time assessing the damage, locating lost items, and trying to remember where things went only a month ago!!! With all of that said...here are a few pics of what I returned to:
My back counter
More stuff...
As far as I could get into my closet...
The front of the room...
WOW! I have some working days ahead of me! I also decided that with a new year, I wanted a "fresh start." So, I am working on rearranging my classroom...We'll see how that all turns out!!!! After pictures to come....

Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Introducing Numbers {FREEBIE}
Developing number sense is crucial to your students succeeding in math!!! I am so thankful that the common core recognizes this and gives us the standards needed to back up all of our talk about numbers!!! I created an adorable poster to go along with my Calendar Math routine. You can get your {FREE} poster by clicking here.
Just print the pieces, glue on colored paper (if you want), and put it together on poster board! This activity would also work in a math center!! Your students could roll the dice and then fill in the poster with a dry erase marker!
What are some activities you do to develop number sense in your classroom?

Friday, July 5, 2013
Fabulous Friday Finds!!!
My school brain never shuts down! During the summer break, I am always looking for goodies for my classroom!!! A few weeks ago, my bestie, Lizzie (A Fairy Tale First Grade), came to town and introduced me to School Aids. I have driven past the place but haven't gone inside. There were so many wonderful things in there!!! They had everything-- math manipulatives, reading games, classroom decorations, OH MY!!! I could have gone CRAZY in there but I restrained myself. I did, however, pick up a few things for my classroom...
I LOVE Creative Teaching Press Dots on Chocolate decorations. I use the border, letters, and cut outs in my classroom! I love this pennant banner and can't wait to find a use for it!! Of course I HAD to pick up the chevron border- I am OBSESSED with chevron (and border)!!!! How perfect!!! I also ordered the calendar set and their new Sweet Shoppe Bulletin Board Set!!! SOOOO SUPER EXCITED!!!!!
Another place that I find fabulous goodies is Kohls. Every month (or so) they feature a new book and character. This month is Curious George. I could not resist this cute face!!! The books are $5.00 and they are hardback! How awesome is that!!!! They had quite a few animals to match the different books but I settled for George himself and his first day of school book! I can't wait to read it to my new kinders in the fall!!! The books and animals are a great deal ($5 for book and $5 for animals) but they also go to a great cause- Kohls Cares. 100% of the profits from these sales are donated to support kids health and education initiatives in communities worldwide. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! They make great gifts for children, as well!!! You can order these adorable plush dolls and books at http://www.kohls.com/catalog/kohl-s-cares-toys.jsp?CN=4294731838+4294720971!
What are some places you like to find fabulous school goodies?? Happy summer shopping!!!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy 4th of July, Y'all!!!
Happy Independence Day, America! We are SO BLESSED to live in this amazing country!!! I hope everyone has a happy and SAFE 4th of July!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013
What a way to WELCOME- Cute pennant banners!!!!
Everyone is LOVING all of these adorable pennant banners!!! I LOVE them!!! They are the perfect way to welcome students into your classroom!!! I have created adorable polka dot "Welcome" pennant banners in many different colors!! To get your polka dot pennant banner, visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking here.
This pack includes polka dot "WELCOME" pennant banners in the following colors:
- Pink with light pink polka dots
- Green with white polka dots
- Blue with greenish polka dots
- Gray with pink polka dots
- Purple with light purple polka dots
- Purple with blue polka dots
- Yellow with white polka dots
- Orange with white polka dots
- Red with white polka dots
Print on cardstock, laminate, and hot glue to a cute coordinating ribbon and hang!!! It will look ADORABLE!!!! (My personal favorite is the PINK one!!!)
- Pink with light pink polka dots
- Green with white polka dots
- Blue with greenish polka dots
- Gray with pink polka dots
- Purple with light purple polka dots
- Purple with blue polka dots
- Yellow with white polka dots
- Orange with white polka dots
- Red with white polka dots
Print on cardstock, laminate, and hot glue to a cute coordinating ribbon and hang!!! It will look ADORABLE!!!! (My personal favorite is the PINK one!!!)
If polka dots are not your thing, I also have an adorable FREE bright Chevron "welcome" banner! You can get your FREE banner by clicking here.
The chevron "Welcome" pennant banner comes in 4 colors of Chevron- Hot Pink, Yellow, Blue, and Green!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The Power of Partnerships and EEKK Poster FREEBIE!!!!
Having partners and partner work in a classroom can be a very powerful tool!!! As a kindergarten teacher, we do a lot of learning from our partners! Partner work can give a shy kid a voice, give an uncertain student confidence, and promote healthy social skills!!! My students fully engage in partner talk in every subject area multiple times a day! I truly believe this sets my classroom up as a safe environment where we trust and listen to each other!!! I use this adorable EEKK poem when we get ready for partner work- reading or math!!! To get your FREEBIE, click on the picture and download it from my Teachers Pay Teachers Store!!!!
Not only is it valuable to have partners for your student, but to have a teacher partner as well!!! I don't know what I would do without my neighbor teacher!! At a school with 10 kindergarten classes (yes I said 10!!), it's great to have that a solid teacher to help with advice, questions, and to just have fun with - Oh and to always have someone to dress up with!!!!
Not only is it valuable to have partners for your student, but to have a teacher partner as well!!! I don't know what I would do without my neighbor teacher!! At a school with 10 kindergarten classes (yes I said 10!!), it's great to have that a solid teacher to help with advice, questions, and to just have fun with - Oh and to always have someone to dress up with!!!!
(2012- Sam I Am and Whoville Character)
(2013- Gerald McGrew- If I Ran the Zoo)
What are some great ways you use partner work in your classroom? Do you have a partner teacher that you could not live without?! Let me know!!!

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